5022 North Muscatel Ave, San Gabriel, CA 91776
Tel: 626-757-9989
Famous Master Forum Workshop starts registration
4/23-4/26 The 21st World Congress on Qigong/Tai Chi/Traditional Chinese Medicine/Natural Healing Network Summit was successfully held. 130 speakers from 50 countries around the world were invited to the conference for 4 days, 24 hours a day, 13 hours a day Public welfare network summit exchanges. There are 65,000 people watching online. The link to review is: Due to the limited time for speeches at the conference, in response to everyone’s request, the conference’s famous forum workshop is now held on 4/30-5/3, and the most famous 24 experts of the conference are invited for 4-2 hours .The lowest historical fee for the workshop is US$50. All fees are paid to the non-profit East-West Medical Arts College Fund, which can issue tax deduction receipts. The lecture schedule and speaker introduction are in the following documents. For those who want to participate, please visit www.eastwestqi.com or www.wfih.org for details. Understand, register online to participate. : https://wfih.org/workshop-registration USA Tel:626-215-3353
Please friends to support the integration of anti-epidemic development and do your best to help forward this information with great merit! Thanks ! Announced by
the Secretariat of the Executive Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee
4/23-4/26第21届世界气功太极中医自然疗法大会—世界整合抗疫网络峰会成功举办邀请到全世界50个国家130位讲员在大会进行了4天全天无休每天13个小时的公益网络峰会交流。在线岐黄网就有65,000人次观看,新回看链接是:因为大会发言时间有限,应大家要求,现于4/30-5/3举办大会名家讲坛工作坊,邀请大会最著名的24位专家进行4-2小时名家工作坊(workshop)历史最低收费50美金。所有收费都是交给非盈利东西方医学艺术学院基金,可以出具抵税收据,讲课日程表及讲员介绍在以下文件,想参加者,详情请上网www.eastwestqi.com 或www.wfih.org了解,网上https://wfih.org/workshop-registration注册参加。 请朋友们支持整合抗疫发展尽力帮忙转发本信息功德无量!谢谢 详情请入:
东西方医疗艺术学院www.EastWestQi.com 世界整合医学学会联合会www.wfih.org
专家研习班注册 https://wfih.org/workshop-registration 详情请入
Contact Dr Jack Fu , Tel 联系热线:626-215-3353 微信:Jackfu626
联络人: 执行主席 付學理博士: Email:注册邮箱:21tcmcongress@gmail.com
研习班 Workshop
There will be workshops to be held on April 30-May 3, 2021. The time is pacific time. Each workshop is 2-4 hours. Click the links below to learn more:
王英秋 –核关医学 Yingqiu Wang-Coregate Medicine (4hr 中文/English)
陆飙—针法的核心技术 Biao Lu-The Corre Technique of Acupuncture (4hr 中文/English)
傅学理—练治祛痛峨眉气针灸 Jack Fu-Manage Pain Through E-mei Qi Acupuncture (4hr 中文/English)
翁启修—有氧太極運動暨安全倒法講習班 ChiHsiu Daniel Weng-Introduction to Cardio Taiji and Safe Landing (4hr 中文/English)
李建民—华人一手膝关节疼痛 Jianmin Li-Joint Pain Therapy (4hr 中文/Chinese)
陳業孟-車禍後頸部揮鞭樣損傷針灸治療策略 Yemeng Chen-Strategy of Acupuncture Applied to Treat Whiplash Injury (4hr 中文/English)
郝吉顺—头针治疗 Jishun Hao-Head Needles Therapy (4hr 中文/English)
傅清泉—杨太极健身 Qingquan Fu-Yang’s TaiChi (4hr 中文/English)
吴信良—峨眉长寿功 Xinliang Wu-Emei Longevity Qigong (4hr 中文/English)
侯国文—多功能套针速治疼痛 Guowen Hou-Multifunctional special-needle (4hr 中文/Chinese)
黄国建—迷你刃针-浅刺解结疗法的临床应用 Guojian Huang-Clinical Application of Mini-Ren Acupuncture Therapy (4hr 中文/English)
章瑛—铍针美容 Ying Zhang (4hr 中文/Chinese)
王健—郭林气功 Jian Wang - Guo Lin Qigong (4hr 中文/English)
梅和詠—精油治疗 Heyong Mei (4hr 中文/English)
卢胜春—针刀治疗疼痛及内科 Shengchun Lu (4hr 中文/Chinese)
李书东—医疗太极拳-五种太极内功心法 Shudong Li (4hr 中文/English)
Michelle & Natasch - Raising Bioenergetic Awareness (2hr 英文/English)
甄青川—觉知心理学 Zhen Qingchuan-Psychology of Inner Perceptions Healing from the Heart (4hr 中文/English)
李玉进-时空医学运气信息方抗击新冠。Yujin Li:Anti-Pandemic with formula of Time and Spatial Medicine (4hr 中文/English)
Richard Ellis--Fang song -The Art of Relaxation (2hr 英文/English)
Linda Nadia Hole-Pandemic Pearls, Sacred Qi, & the Heroine's Journey for Our Times-$Love Offering—Give pay what you can (2hr 英文/English)
梁守渝—神秘的道家金丹大道 Shou Yuliang Mysterious Taoist Jindan Avenue (4hr 中文/English)
Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook—Planetary, Human, Animal and Natures' Health: Woven together providing "Light at the End of the Tunnel" (4hr 英文/English)
何海洋-什么是气 Haiyang He-What is Qi? 4/30 8am-9am (1hr 中文/English)
刘红梅—无创针美集 Hongmei Liu-Needle of Universal Beauty(2hr 中文/Chinese)
我们根据中英文人数多少开班,我们保留取消课程的权利,如果取消会退款。The class will be hold depends on how many Chinese-speaking or English-speaking people registered. We keep the right to cancel the class, you will be refund if the class canceled.